

I'm feeling much better this morning. I ate some extra veggies yesterday to get me very close to 500 calories.. I just assumed that if I need to stay under 500 then heck let's eat more legal low cal veggies to make me feel special! I added extra spinach and tomoatoes.. My shot hurt only with the initial prick.. no burning..

I am not hungry at all, I got a LARGE black iced coffe this morning and added a small dribble of 2% milk (at the local Gloria Jeans) Black coffee is yucky but if that's what's making me feel better, so be it! Might try some stevia next week if I find some at the health food store this weekend. I am just shocked at how good I feel right now, compared to yesterday! Amazing..

and my weight is down 1.8 lbs which is pretty good (counting my up 2lbs load)

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